The leader of the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES. He is worshipped as a god among men, which makes sense seeing as he is a giant rat. It is thought that he has possessed people in the past, most notably Shaq.
Person one : “SHAQ SHAQ SHAQ SHAQ”
Person two: “oh, they must just be possessed by splinter the rat”
by Cathman17 April 28, 2021
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When someone gets raped and a shard of dick gets stuck in one of their holes.
I've got a killer rape splinter lodged in my ass.
by MagicResistantBears March 17, 2017
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When your cock slips off your computer mouse and briefly rubs over the piece of balsa wood that you use as a mouse pad and in turn gives your penis tip a splinter
I can not describe how pleasant the click splinter was and how unpleasant my mom's mexican wedding planner can be and is
by CrippleDOGS January 6, 2011
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Employees that suck on the wood penis on the Boss ....aka buttsniffers, suckass
Damnit I tired of all the "Who's choking on the splinters" types around work.
by williedoitnow August 10, 2022
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it's when you get something stuck in your dick
Man I was trying to give myself a piercing this weekend and ended up with a banana splinter
by lolghostu February 27, 2016
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Guy 1: *walking along awkwardly*
Guy 2: Hey buddy, what happened to you?
Guy 1: I was watching Mudhole Nuns Gone Wild 76 and got too excited, next thing I knew, splinter me timbers!
Guy 2: Oh my lawdy...
by PrinceCharming6.9 May 10, 2015
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