In gaming culture, smurfing is defined as logging into a secret account seperate from a main account as to allow the user to play a game without being detected by his or her peers.

Generally the purpose of smurfing is to improve oneself without compromising the statistics of a main account. It allows gamers to try new strategies, or simply play without worrying about a "record".
David: Didn't see you online at all today.

Rich: I was smurfing earlier, tried the AS50 with the ACOG attachment, was lots of fun. Playing around with some new stuff.

David: Didn't want to mess up your stats I see.
by pethcirrr July 12, 2012
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A person in the higher ranks of a game, usually a team based dps game like overwatch or csgo, who purposly makes a new account or purposly drops down to the lower ranks just to destroy the noobies.
Some dude playing overwatch: Why is this McCree so good?

Guy who is smurfing: Between you and me, I'm smurfing down here on bronze, I'm actually 500.
by pancakesavage7 June 14, 2017
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Originated in the small town of Norton, MA. This is a popularly used term when referencing a high. Is used as a way to express ones mind-state after alcohol or marijuana intake.
Wow i am "smurffed" right now!

I'm about to get "smurffed" in a bit.
by Collegekidd December 29, 2011
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the best cartoon about little blue things in the world!
by random_bulldog August 31, 2003
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When you go to take a dump in a "Port-a-John" type toilet and it has been recently cleaned and you get a splash back that gets the blue liquid all over your ass and balls.
I just went to take a dump and I got smurfed.
by jammats69 September 9, 2014
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A person hired by a Meth cook to purchase psuedoephedrine for them at a local pharmacy.
James: Hello, I would like the your Equate cold formula 90 count please.

Pharmacist: You went over your three box limit 2 weeks ago, get out of my store you stupid smurf.
by That Guy81 November 14, 2011
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Gaming term: Entering your regular server under a different name so u can see whats going on without being recognized.

Commonly used by server admins and the like.
l4m3rtw4t: you cock sucking idiot i will spam as much as i like for i am a n00b
l4m3rtw4t: wwwwwwwww0000000wwwwwwwwdddddfkkkkkkk
Player1: Thats not a good idea
l4m3rtw4t: fuck you dick, i own you and will always
{Player1 Signed As ADMIN }
l4m3rtw4t: Shit
by Moggy006 June 14, 2004
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