Hym "So is the brunette you wife or something? I might have to reconsider the dinner offer.... But no, you're allowed to be sarcastic."
by Hym Iam July 31, 2023
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Another word for "incredibly fucking stupid".
"I really didn't mean you should jam your hand into the garbage disposal to cure the arthritis in your fingers. I was being sarcastic."
by ElCommissioner April 24, 2020
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To be sarcastically proactive is to be active in what you're currently or about to do as well as being sarcastic about it. This is mostly found in people with either sarcastic or emo-like personalities.
"Oh there she goes again, being sarcastically proactive in shelving those boxes..."
"Hey Mike, quit being sarcastically proactive and be ACTUALLY proactive."
"Why is everyone in the room saying I'm sarcastically proactive? All I did was place the pens in the envelope box..."
by Joshite November 7, 2018
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When You ArE MoCKIng somEonE oR soMEThiNg And a FoRM of PrEssiNG SHifT A lot Of TIMEs
"i DON'T DRInk or eat ANYTHIng"

No I don't and 'nice using SARcAsTIC tExT'
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