An 4-foot-high L-or-T-shaped bracket of timber with a mailbox mounted at the "upper" end; you temporarily clamp it to your existing mailbox so that the "auxiliary" mailbox extends out over the piled-up snowbank; with this simple/inexpensive set-up, the mail-carrier can still reach your box from his vehicle, but the huge blades on the D.O.T.'s snowplows will simply pass underneath the box, allowing the trucks' drivers' to just plow right on through without worrying about damaging your box.
Constructing and installing an extension-mailbox assembly is simple 'n' easy, costs very little (all you need are two or three large C-clamps, an ordinary plastic/metal mailbox, a couple 2X4s, and a little hardware to cobble it all together; these ordinary/everday items can often be obtained for free or next-to-nothing if you "go scrounging" at da nearest metal-scrapyard and/or are good buddies wif da local junk-dealer), and eliminates mailbox-plowing costs and/or tons (literally!) of snow-shoveling. Why glumly shell out twenty or thirty bucks after each and every blizzard to have someone drive out to your home and plow away the snow from your curbside, just so that you can receive a few pieces of junk mail each week???
by QuacksO November 16, 2018
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when a dick is waxed/shaved so that the only hair present is in the surrounding area of the balls rather than the balls themselves
“She pulled down Matt’s boxers and there it was— a nice, clean, and suckable mailbox dick.”
by holyblazer December 17, 2022
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When you are viewing a property to buy or an apartment to rent take a look at some of the Mailboxes next door and across the street. You want to look at the names on the Mailboxes because they give you an idea of what kind of folk you'll be living near.
I looked at a decent apartment on Tallman Street yesterday but when I ran The Mailbox Test I was shocked. When I say "Lopez"," Rodriguez", "Vazquez", and "Garcia" on the Mailbox next door I was not renting a place in that motherfucker!
by Elizabeth Warren's Papaw September 25, 2022
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To nut in someone

To creampie someone
Hey girl, lemme paint your mailbox tonight

Can you believe Sam let him paint his mailbox on the first date?
by ButtSox August 1, 2022
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National Cum in a neighbors mailbox day is beautiful day dedicated to releasing the previous months load all up in your fellow neighbors virgin mailbox.
Hey mom! Im going to celebrate National Cum in a neighbors mailbox day, by splurging in Mrs. Osbornes mailbox ill be back!!!!
by National Neighbor Cum Day April 17, 2021
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During sexual intercourse right around the time of peak stimulation for the female partner. The male proceeds to insert a pre-written note inside of her vagina. Later, the female can pull it out and read what her partner has written.
Aaron: Did you finally tell that thot that you loved her?

Bill: Yeah man, I wrote it on a note and hit her with the Baltimore Mailbox!
by Slick silly October 15, 2020
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