1. To clear the state of a wedged device and restart it

2. To cut, sever, smash, or similarly disable.

3. The sound made by many 3.5-inch diskette drives.
I'm gonna Gronk you up!
by Haxor November 21, 2002
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Gronk is a comical creature that lives in an other dimension. Atleast two Gronks have visited our dimension.
Gronk has its mouth almost always open. Most propably it makes oOOoooO-OOoOo-o-OOOoooo sound all the time.
by Petri Pelkonen November 13, 2003
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In sports, seriously injuring yours or someones knee.
"Derek Rose gronked himself in the playoffs a few years ago"

"I can't wait to gronk your Quarterback in Madden"
by therealteanor September 1, 2014
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1. Person who enjoys alternitave music.
2. Person who is NOT a jock fag.
3. Person who screwed j0r mudda.
Those gronks, They rock pretty hard!
by GRONKER November 23, 2003
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Someone who cannot walk in a straight line without tripping over his freakishly large feet making worse the fact that when his face hits the ground his enormous buck teeth scrape the ground letting out a hideous high pitch scraping sound
by Marikah August 30, 2005
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Some one who is tall and fat, they smell all the time and never have any money.
"hey man can yo buy my lunch? i left my wallet in the car, i swear to go i will pay you back man!"
by Holley November 2, 2003
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A complete idiot that makes noises that sound like "GRONK" they are often hunchbacked and snaggle toothed victims of broompa-loompas
did you see that ugly gronk get brroooOOOOMMPed by that broompa-loompa?
by Soothsayer December 2, 2003
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