Another way of telling the gas station pumper to eat a fat one.
Gas Station Pumper: Ay, buddy, what you like?
Driver: Stuff it up your turban, bitch!
Gas Station Pumper: Huh? I can't hear you.
Driver: I said, "Filler up!!"
by the Little Kid June 5, 2006
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Useless member on a uniformed staff team, will turn up to an event wearing company jacket. Hopefully noone will notice.
John is a jacket filler, we need 10 men on site we have 9. John can be the 10th keep him in the corner.
by Practicaldickhead August 8, 2018
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The ugly as shit girl that hangs out with all the hot chicks so the hot chicks look hotter
“Did you see Becky hanging out with the hot chicks?”

“ Oh that bitch looks like she got hit by a truck she’s a total roster filler.”
by The man with the golden dick February 10, 2018
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An episode of a show where nothing of relevance is actually going on in the episode. Filler Episodes are usually made to keep viewers with content to watch while they think of new ideas and more time to make episodes relevant to the plot.
“I might stop watching this shit, there’s so many filler episodes.”
Yeah I know right it’s actually ass.”
by J4VA January 4, 2023
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bruv i was tugging on my clunge filler when my gash walked in.
by dan n dan June 10, 2009
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two part epoxy you put in automotive dents
i kick your door. put body filler in it!
by Mr. JaCk May 18, 2006
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{noun} Someone who is present in a situation as filler, i.e. the commercial in between the main event or the opening band no one knows or cares about.
"God damn, I'm not going to be the filler bitch in this season." - Any reality TV star, really. (See also: Adore Delano of RPDR, who is loosely quoted here.)
by ytmnddd April 15, 2017
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