When one is upset at a function or party and kills the mood for everyone near by.
“Why is Cierra being all FARTY right now?”
“Stop being FARTY and have a good time.”
by JXRDNS April 13, 2018
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totally uncool, lame, tacky and outdated
Modern farmhouse design is totally farty and needs to stop.
by moods1313 November 15, 2021
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You can use this word when rooms or any places smell like fart.
Oh my god! Who farted!! This room is so farty..
by Sofi is this word July 23, 2022
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He is a nice guy but you don't know him that well he probably doesn't like you.
Farti likes dick
by Im the best person ever March 27, 2019
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A person (including possibly oneself) experiencing a particularly gaseous and smelly episode. Source: Kate Winslet's quote in a Vanity Fair article regarding her Titanic co-star, Leo DiCaprio: "To me, he's just smelly, farty Leo."
Man, I was such a Farty Leo tonight, I cleared the room.
Did you see that video catching a Farty Leo moment on a hot mic?
Those frat boys were a bunch of Farty Leos and thought every blast was hilarious!
by Creed Cur July 28, 2020
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