a timeless phrase, used with great versatility. you can say this at pretty much any time or situation but definately works best when said during one of those long awkward pauses in a conversation.

sometimes shortened to simply "dental plan..." let open to completion by others present, or simply left abbreviated.

taken from the famous "union" episode of the simpsons, this is what homer repeats to himself over and over again whilst trying to decide whether to pursue a dental plan program for workers of the nuclear plant or to give up this right for a free keg of beer. hrmmm....

... dental plan, lisa needs braces
some guy: "and that's when i realized that my glasses were on my *head* the whole time!"
dudes: " .... "
me: "... dental plan, lisa needs braces"
by Olly J June 19, 2005
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Nonsensical chant derived from an episode of the simpsons. Great to use at TGI Fridays on monday night football.
Getz: "Dental Plan"
Everyone: "Lisa Needs Braces!"
by Getz December 23, 2003
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A secret Connecticut code word for someone on cocaine referring to the fact that cocaine is corrosive to teeth.
Hey do you think that wierd girl over there has dental coverage?
by Feetyboi March 18, 2018
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Another term for a blow job. You know, third base, knob gobble, skull fuck, smoke pole, playing the ol' skin flute.. etc
"Want me to play dental hockey on yo man meat? $50."
by pjames6 February 4, 2016
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Where a dentist sticks his penis in your moth to clean your teeth.
I went to the dentist to find out the dentist stuck his penis in y mouth, it was mint flavored! WHAT A DENTAL CLICK!
by Sir Fagbunny March 30, 2016
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The unappreciative female dentist who takes all the free shit sent to the office for the staff.
That greedy dental whore took all seven beach bags sent from the ortho office!
by The Staff June 13, 2012
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