when oneindividual agrees with another
Hey man, you wanna go marker fuck disrespekdahl?
Aight brah, im in.
by pseudoname April 9, 2005
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Men can be either happy or they can be right...if by chance they are right and happy (which is rare), you are hap-aight. (hap-eyet)
are you hap-aight cuz this will be the only time you are!
by Tiffany Nichols May 18, 2008
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Equal of or more great than K
*Girl* Something came up
*Guy* we're not chilling?

*Girl* sorry

* Guy Aight doe.
*Girl* Something came up
*Guy* we're not chilling?

*Girl* sorry

* Guy Aight doe.
by OG1234 December 23, 2014
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The coolest thing to say ever
if your friend wants to do something or says something to you, you stick 2 fingers in front of your chin and say aight playah and nodd
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when you and ur homie both agree on the same shit or a phrase that can be used basically anywhere u want to hype beast something
Person 1- hey man I do u wanna go fuck those 2 girls they won’t be able to feel their pussys in the morning

Person 2- nah bro I think I’m more a ass man

Person 1- yeah already let’s give it a try

Person 1-2 - (Aight boom)
by Bil nye January 10, 2018
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Translates into: Okay Then or I'll see u later.
"Say Imma hit u up lata iight?"

"Aight den"
by Auaine November 26, 2003
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