The term refers to the culture of leaving work at mid-day, to go to a nearby pub / strip club and have a dozen alcoholic drinks or shots, until the evening, before leaving for home or going to a prostitute for sex. It is also considered common-practice to put the bill on the Corporate Credit Cards.

The term originates in view of the exorbitant, careless, even behaviour usually characterised by bankers and traders, at the expense of their clients. It is closely related to the word Banker's Dozen, with strip clubs and sex being the only difference.
It's a Friday, let's do a Trader's Dozen with the team.
by Urbanisher August 22, 2011
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High class prostitute, dealing mostly with stock market johns or politicians.
Not sure if I want a bullish or bearish favor trader. Do they make a beaverish one?
Favor Trader soaked me for $5K last night but she was worth it!
by technohermit March 3, 2015
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When some one breaks your trust yo
How could you betrade me? YOU TRADER!
by rashna March 28, 2021
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A second hand car shop usually run at the person's home and cars sold on Facebook Marketplace, they owners are usually from the middle East and oversell broken cars and advertise online that they are a genuine trader, you will not likely get scammed.
Cornershop refering to the stereotype that most of them run or work in a cornershop.
Nottingham is full of cornershop traders.
by NottinghamLad June 24, 2022
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