Twilight Series/Vampires; It's called the new swine flu cause it's everywhere and infecting people.
Shopper: OMFG! They have everything "New Moon" here! I am so annoyed.

Me: Yep, it's the new swine flu. Enjoy. Soo...when are they going to come out with Edward blow up dolls or condoms?
by babymommatobe February 2, 2010
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An extremely deadly airborne disease that causes instant death to anyone whose IQ is less than 211.

It was first reported by a man who witnessed a pedobear with HIV rape a pig with a cold. the doctors first diagnosed him with HIV-swine-flu-syphilis, but decided to throw an "itis" on the end of it, to make it sound more terrifying.

Symptoms include vomiting, DEATH, sneezing, spontaneous erotic thoughts or images floating through one's mind, suicide, tourettes, and the sudden, irrational fear of being raped by a pedobear.

HIV-swine-flu-syphilitis can also be spread by Urban Thus, if you have read this, you may have HIV-swine-flu-syphilitis!

There is no known cure for HIV-swine-flu-syphilitis...and there will never be one!
HAHAHA, you have read this entry, thus you have HIV-swine-flu-syphilitis!
by G-@non November 11, 2009
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When large multinationals host regional or worldwide meetings and invite one to two people from each country to come and discuss business in overheated or overcooled rooms, then fly back the next day to their countries to quick disperse the virus.
I'm not feeling too well today - must have been my colleague who coughed on me after she came back from that Swine Flu Summit last week in Malta.
by caland September 25, 2009
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catching the swine flu’ to be used as a way to make fun of a friend for hooking up with an overweight woman
by C-10 February 17, 2011
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Verb: A way to get out of writing a midterm and have the marks deferred to your final.
Guy 1: Dude, I have not yet opened my chem book.

Guy 2: Just swine flu that shit.
by Srt123456 February 10, 2010
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An instance where you or someone you know gets wasted and hooks up with a fatty without their knowing, and can't seem to get rid of them
Man 1: Dude, who's this girl that keeps calling you?
Man 2: Don't worry about it; I just got drunk last night and now I've got the swine flu.
by shifter027 June 6, 2010
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