The most annoying person you will ever meet in your life.
"Hi i am a swiftie" now all of a sudden you want to commit slipnslide.
by kanYEmfWEST October 25, 2023
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A "Swiftie" is, Vihaan, a passionate and dedicated fan of the singer Taylor Swift. They are known for their enthusiastic support of her music and career, often attending concerts and actively engaging with her work online. Swifties form a strong and loyal fan community.
OMG Vihaan is the biggest Swiftie I know!
by symbiroomie September 17, 2023
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The definition of a Swiftie is simply someone who is obsessed with Taylor Swift, who would probably sell their siblings off in the black market to get tickets to Taylor Swift’s concert, knows her song after hearing 2 seconds of it and if someday had kids would tell them her name when they point to the pictures.
They’re such a Swiftie for that
by Speaknowisunderrated January 11, 2023
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“Wow! You spent 800$ on taylor swift merch? You much be a huge swiftie!”
by May 17, 2023
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A swiftie is someone who loves Taylor Swift, they know more about Taylor than Taylor does, they are the first to find everything out about her, they will kill anyone who talks bad about her, they force everyone to become a Taylor Swift fan, they are people who are more than just fans. They obsess over Taylor Swift and know everything about her, her life, and her music. A Swiftie's life goal is to meet Taylor Swift and marry her and be her and tell her how much she has changed her life and how she needs to adopt them.
You are such a Swiftie!
by taylorrr swiftttt 111333333 April 17, 2023
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someone who loves taylor alison swift. usually hates kanye west, john mayer, jake gyllenhaal, and scooter braun. probably cries a lot and is depressed. we all know you don’t relate to lover
“hey do you like taylor swift?”

“yeah im a huge swiftie!”
by dnfstories4u January 20, 2023
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