2 definitions by Nils Sjöberg Swiftie

Someone who follows Taylor Swifts life and work like their life depends on it.
"Omg! You are the biggest Swiftie."
by Nils Sjöberg Swiftie June 6, 2023
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My all time favorite Taylor swift song. When I listen to this song I feel in captured in it. The music is so flawless and I love the lyrics even though I don't really relate to it. I listen to this song every single night which is 353 times on Spotify which doesn't count for the times I've listened to it on my record player, other people's phones, and other music platforms. Although I listen to this song all the time I NEVER have gotten sick of it which is weird cause I get sick of songs easily. I just love this song. The small background details, acoustics, live performance, the delivery and emotion of the bridge, and of course the IMMACULATE vocals make this such a beautiful song. Favorite on Folklore, favorite on her discography I love this song.
Hey what's your favorite song on folklore?
Oh definitely illicit affairs!
by Nils Sjöberg Swiftie August 26, 2023
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