immediatal rectafied stench
A mix between immediate,rectum, and stench
Meaning when a person farts their fart will smell immediatly and it will smell like shit
"Dude..Did you just fart?
"Yeah immediatal rectified stench!"
"Damn you tub-tits"
by FRenchporker August 15, 2009
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When your bum produces sweat and smell from a warm surface
Mary, my you have quite a stench bum
by Ashenangelone February 1, 2019
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1.The overpowering stench you get when you are just so HENCH. It may or may not be B.O. or the smell of the king of men.
2. Even better than being hench
1)You are bare hench stench!
2)Man, put some some deodorant on, you have some hench stench.
3) I benched like 40,000kg last night, I'm hench stench.
by Hench Kempton June 10, 2011
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When one internationally fails to give fair warning to others that they have decimated the toilet with horrible oder. Resulting in persons walking in only to retreat in disgust.
My boyfriend thinks its funny to commit a Toilet Stench Ambush. He smells up the bathroom, trapping the oder by not using the exhaust fan. Allowing me to be ambushed by the stench forcing me to run away gaging. The ultimate act of stink and betrayal.
by greek god of trains August 16, 2012
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When a certain someone smells like cigarettes and the musk is so offensive, one must exit the room/car
Jesus bourke! You have the worst dart stench. Go for a wash!
by Fookinjerrymun July 30, 2018
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A collective noun for a group of persons with red/ginger hair. A group of gingers is called a ‘Stench’.
Hey Josh look at all those person with red hair over there. It’s a ‘Stench’ of Gingers!
by justhearforthecomments October 20, 2022
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