A division of the Sony Defense Force and Bill Gates xbox Fan club, run by Fankids who spam forums with unreadable garbage written by kiddies with dyslexia.
Dan: That's two days running by forum has been spammed by Sony Defense Force nerds.

Ted: Well did you read that unreadable Nintendo Haters crap on the forum?
by The Ferox of the North April 2, 2011
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A video game magazine published by Nintendo. It holds game updates, guides, and reviews for all systems created by Nintendo.
"Check out the review for the new Zelda game in Nintendo Power."
by TimeStand July 26, 2004
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A mighty fine System still rocking, most powerful 16-bitter ever.
Sonyroolz thinks graphics make the game. F*ck the graphics. Its about the fun man, not the eye candy.
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A slang for someone describing people who defend the corporation of Nintendo by the choices they made.

Nintendo Bootlickers are NOT people who defend a games’ graphics or Downloadable Content, but will push the idea that Nintendo has done nothing wrong
Person 1: Nintendo decided to ban Melee from competitive games
Person 2: They aren’t wrong or doing anything wrong. They did a wonderful choice
Person 1: You’re such a Nintendo Bootlicker
by Weed Nose May 11, 2021
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A 16-bit system that superficial idiots who only play GTA3 make fun of. A wonderful boredom-killer.
I pimpslapped Bowser in Super Mario World on my Super Nintendo. ^.^
by DarkMillennia September 7, 2003
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When a couple of bros (usually 2-3) chill out on a friday/saturday night and play classic Nintendo 64 video games while drinking a 6 pack of beer.
Bro 1 - What up kid? Wanna come over tomorrow night for some Nintendo 6packty4?

Bro 2 - Of course man, I'm always up for some Pokemon and beer.
by ajay69 June 29, 2011
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