An idea that usually sounds good at One in the morning, but when played out it usually goes horribly wrong.
-One In The Morning Idea-

-"I know where my dad keeps his gun"
*one of your friends dead within the hour*

-trying to prove your badassdedness to your friends by jumping off the roof into the pool over being called a pussy.





*friend jumps in pool. noone notices he jumps in the shallow end...friend floats up....pronounced dead at the scene*

-Looking up random videos, getting pissed and sending a hateful email to The Government.

*missing by 6am*
by ParanoidPoe January 9, 2011
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A mythical creature that causes upper level management to impose changes to standard operating procedures in an attempt to fix something that wasn't broken in the first place. These changes usually inflict undue stress and/or hardship on subordinates while having no negative effects on the decision maker.

Origin: US Military
The good idea fairy must be hanging out in Mr. Smith's office again. He just decided that we need to change the font on our 75 slide power point presentation to sans-serif 16.
by SOCM Doc January 11, 2014
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Military term; An evil mythical creature that whispers advice and ideas into the ears of military leadership, causing hundreds unnecessary changes and countless wasted man-hours every year. The Good Idea Fairy should be shot on sight if she is seen in your area.
Great! The CO has says that we need to provide a 24 hour guard over the weekend for the empty tents out on training area 17. He must've been visited by the good idea fairy.
by Trav September 27, 2004
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The ultimate fucking answer to every single question in the universe. Seriously. Try it.
What can be used on any question in the universe? I have no idea.
by D3athR3bel February 10, 2014
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A response that emphasizes the irony of the preceding statement.
Woman A: Your husband is unfaithful?
Woman B: You have no idea. (Husband has a gay lover)

Man A: Heard you a crazy weekend!
Man B: You have no idea. (Man B is a secret agent who used a party as a cover for a mission)
by Urban LXX September 18, 2015
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Metaphorical article of clothing, the invocation of which indicates the "wearer" is exhibiting spectacularly bad judgement. Inspired by the 1990 "Saturday Night Live" sketch of the same name.
"You left your bike outside last night without locking it up? Those Bad Idea Jeans look great on you."

"I can't believe I went home with Butch last night. That's what I get for wearing Bad Idea Jeans."

by James Carmel April 17, 2006
Get the Bad Idea Jeans mug. idea which is barely thought out.

2. an idea which sounds good, before one works out the intricacies.

3. a idea chosen for humor rather than feasibility.

Created by Bill Simmons
Jim: We should create... heroin bars!
Jack: Have you thought that through? How would it work?

Jim: I guess we would model them on hookah lounges. I don't know, it's a half-baked idea!
by Jonathan1989303 January 8, 2014
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