A Bae who is of the same sex, but is straight.
Alexx: we are the best Baes ever!
Christy: Yes! Heterosexual baes!
by gaaaaaayyyyy September 5, 2014
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When two characters of the opposite gender don't really go together at all but the writer throws them together just because they're male and female.
"Damn I can't believe the writers of Riverdale put Jughead and Betty together. That's literally the definition of forced heterosexuality. "
by Notapplelol January 27, 2017
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being romantically attracted to all genders or sexual orientations but being sexually attracted to members of the opposite gender
A: I thought she was bi and had lost it to a girl? She's been dating like everyone
B: Nah, she's a pan-romantic heterosexual so she'd date anyone but only sleep with dudes
by CrazyMentalChild April 24, 2015
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What kevjumba is. If you type in "is" on Google, this is the first thing that comes up.
Ryan: Did you know that "Kevjumba is a heterosexual bear wrestler" is the number one search on google?

Phil: Yeah, because that's what he said in one of his videos
by jeeziamsobored June 18, 2011
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An individual who will not date or have ANY sexual contact with members of the same sex with no exceptions to the rule
You; "Is Terry over there gay?"
Me; "No, I'm sure he's a raging heterosexual"
by Mr luvvyduvvy July 2, 2011
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1. A man/woman that acts totally gay but in reality loves the opposite sex. Just acts gay to be funny.

2.See Jorge aguilar
Jorge is acting like a total closet heterosexual, he asked me to suck his dick but I know he has a girl
by Desolate_Gamble October 9, 2015
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Two persons of the same gender who are best friends and commit to spend their lives together, yet never engage in any type of homosexual relations with one another.
Some famous examples of heterosexual life partners: Jay and Silent Bob, Beavis and Butthead, Adam Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel, Cheech and Chong, Beto and Raul, Pace and Baier.
by Pace June 4, 2004
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