Probably the only meme that got old the very first day it was released. It refers to Tom Cruise's crazy Scientology video that got removed from YouTube with the text "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Church of Scientology International"
random dude: Tom Cruse sure is crazy eh?
noob: This comment is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Church of Scientology International
random dude: God damn, that meme got old yesterday
by Jason Brandt January 22, 2008
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You searched this because you're bored, obviously
This is the thing that shows up when you click the user button in the menu bar in the top right of the page.
Someone: I want to change my username
Someone: *Clicks on the user button*
Urban Dictionary: Click here to change your handle Claim definitions you wrote under a different email address See all of your definitions Sign out
Someone: *Clicks on "Click here to change your handle"*
Someone: There!
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V: Trend Claim, (Trend Claiming) As a noun: Trend Claimer

When a person claims to his or her friend that they started a fad, especially when everyone knows in fact, that they did not.
Jim: Look at that guy, he's so emo.

Peter: yeah he is! You know I started the word emo, I trend claimed it.

Jim: ...
by Mattian Wurdz Ph.D November 30, 2009
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A noun to describe a destination in which a narcotics dealer delivers product.
“Yo, this is Kyle. I’m here. Baggage claim is in the parking lot right behind the bar. Black SUV
by Jonathan Jokerst July 7, 2023
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Claiming that you were trolling, after losing an argument on teh interwebz.
Republican: "Gay people have no right to get married. It's against my religion!"
Intelligent/sane person: "Have you heard of 'separation of church and state'?"
Republican: "Dude, I was just trollin', bruh! Can't handle a joke, fgt?"
Intelligent/sane person: "Quit claiming troll, when you realize nobody agrees with you!"
by Chan-Nasty June 12, 2015
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When a woman puts on a push up bra and it pushes her "tits" together
Yo man look at how close her tits are in that push up bra. (Claim your tits)
by timdaddy125 May 27, 2020
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