Someone who is really annoying and you really can't stand.
Cristiano Ronaldo is such a piss stain. I wish he'd get his legs broken.
by Tommy Noka April 18, 2011
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Everyone in the house uninates before going to the next party or to the bars.
"ok its time to go"
"Wait we gotta piss and roll first"
"ok piss and roll outta here"
by Jimmy England June 6, 2007
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A shot similar to a Jager Bomb, but made with Jim Beam Red Stag and Red Bull instead on Jager and Red Bull. The shot is not dropped into the mug but mixed with the Red Bull instead.
Deer Piss is awesome.
by No good names left October 7, 2009
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Similar to pull out, piss out is a phrase used to describe the act of performing a Sloppy rocket , where Immediately after ejaculating into his partner, the man begins to urinate. The pressure builds inside his partner resulting in his erect penis "launching" out of his partner. This protective measure against sexually transmitted diseases has been lab tested many times in Thailand with 100% effectiveness.
(Just prior to inter-course)
Female: "Can you pull out, I missed my birth control pill yesterday"
Male: "I never pull out, but I'll Piss Out instead"
Female: "What is that?"
Male: "It' s 100% protection for S.T.D's and works good for birth control. Grab some towels, I'll show you"
by Subliminll February 22, 2017
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A term to describe waking up with a boner. See also morning glory
Simon: Whoa dude, what's going on under your sleeping bag?
Dave: Huh, what do you mean?
Simon: It looks like you've got a tent pole on the go!
Dave: Oh shit, I've got piss proud mate!
by Jim July 19, 2004
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Atomic piss, piss that smells worse than shit. Nuclear piss is bright yellow and glows in the dark.
AH!!! watch out he's pissing nuclear piss on us!
by Edd-y June 21, 2005
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The act of going to the toilet when you don't really need to, to make sure you don't need to go later. Usually conducted prior to long car journeys or departure from drinking establishments.
Her:"lets leave this pub before your too drunk to leave"

Him:"OK, but I need to take an insurance piss first"
by SuperBeerFiend May 7, 2009
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