A dance that uses a persons hands to frame their crotch region repeatedly.
While dancing, Tyler preformed the penis box by framing his crotch with his hands repeatedly.
by Plastic Bat Productions October 22, 2008
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This is a game that needs a minimum of 2 players. it can be played anywhere from the workplace to school. It starts when one player says penis ! the other player must say penis ! but louder than the first person. it goes on until one player quits or cant get louder than the other.
Tom yelled Penis! and i instantly knew he was playing the penis game
by happyfeet... December 21, 2006
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When a piece of fabric hangs down right between your crotch, giving the appearance of a cloth penis.
Sammy's new shirt gave her a fabric penis.
by SarahDanielleC April 4, 2011
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If you cannot confirm whether the individual has a penis or not, it's not gay. Once the penis is confirmed, it is indeed, gay.
P1: I think it's a trap, I really can't tell. I'm not gay though am I?
P2: Schrödinger's penis.
P1: Ah, yeah that makes total sense. I'm completely straight until I confirm the existence of the penis.
by Penisdood18828 October 19, 2018
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When your so drunk that you forget how to have regular sex, so you masturbate using boobs instead.
Me-Oh, I just watched some hot Milf Vaginal Sex.

John-Oh yeah! Well I watched Penis and Boobs sex and it was even hotter!

Me-Oh you got me. I can only last 4 seconds when I watch Penis in Boobs.
by virginnevergettinlaid101 April 17, 2019
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What a Ho sees right before she gets dick slapped in tha face.
Last night Shaniqua got on my nerves so I showed her da penis eclipse! Cuz mah dick so big it block out da sun!
by C.T.HO June 15, 2011
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when you're so turned on that your penis will do anything for some pussy or some ass.
"man look at that girl! she's giving me a Hungry Penis."

"That girl is making my penis hungry, dayumm!!!!"
by slicklizard!!! April 27, 2010
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