Be sure not to splash the ghetto hamsters at the bus stop when you are driving in the rain.
by Don K. Kong January 27, 2010
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The most ignorant person you will probably ever meet. More than most of the time will be found living in the bad side of town. Only wears ghetto clothing and only listens to hip-hop and rap. Totally against free speech (except for their own diluted, half-baked ideas), acceptance, and understanding.
That ghetto fuck is really beginning to get on my nerves.
by Orff Bajsligan September 13, 2006
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two girls that walk around Cali waving at peole and get veraaaay pissed when people dont wave back
"Ohh HI!!"*waves At Random Person*-Ghetto Princess and ghetto ToothFariy
*Random Person Doesn't Wave Back*-Random Person

"Friendly HAYYY from the ghetto toothfairy"_ Ghetto toothfairy and ghetto princess
by A&J February 23, 2008
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defines an area so poor and rough and full of drug dealers, the shopping centres are full of shit supermarkets and bargain basement stores, like Netto, Pound Stretcher and Aldi, cos that's all people in Netto Ghettos can afford cos they spend all their money on Crack
You want me to come with you to Mansfield?? fuck off!! it's a right NETTO GHETTO!!
by AL April 26, 2004
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When you put burger meat or bbq in between to slices of bread instead of buns.
We ran out of buns so I had to make myself a ghetto burger.
by Mistah6909 May 19, 2022
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Talking on the phone with someone. And then sending each other pictures afterward :)
Christina & Victor are often ghetto skyping because Victor is too lame to use his laptop to skype!
by CHRIZTEENAAAA September 9, 2011
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When you take a kleenex, tampon or any other absorbent material and shove it up your nose to stop a nose bleed.
Guy 2: the fuck is in your nose?

Guy 1: its a ghetto plug, I got a wicked nose bleed earlier.
Guy 2: that still doesnt give you and excuse to use tampons you Mitch
by frankiedeeee March 17, 2014
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