When you aren't necessarily fit enough to look good on the beach but you aren't a fat slob either. Business fit is somewhere in the middle. You go to the gym and workout and look respectable in a suit or business casual and still earn the respect of a non-fattie.
Jim is the business fit guy in the third cubicle on the left.
by Chuck Schick April 2, 2010
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You don't agree with what I'm saying or kissing my ass so you don't get to have a opinion or speak about it.
Dumb chick : he cheated on me for the 78th time...should i give him another chance

Other dumb chicks : yaaaaas girl he will change

Dumb chick : thanks for the support queens

Someone wise : you should of been left him

Dumb chick : mind your business
by The Mysterious 1 December 11, 2022
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In a figuratively when a dude is between an hard matter of choice unmoving even if ridiculous.
...by friends of last romantic guy who's been asked by two girls who does he likes between them; then when he said I like both and they told ok let's stick together he realized for it was a pretty scaring love thrill and remaining mute unmoving badly thrice busy as a pancake...
by shunya97 March 23, 2017
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A year with no holiday
I’ll pay you back in a business year.
by TittyMaster1 November 28, 2017
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When every time you try to get together with someone and they tell you they are busy. They’re never available.
He’s getting the busy signal from that girl he met last week.

They’re getting the busy signal from their son.
by Mom knows August 17, 2023
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When you’re “JR busy” it means you’re doing work you love and somehow getting paid for it
I’m JR busy and life is good!
by Nitsua007 March 24, 2022
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