The gayest game in existence where "Epic Gaymers" battle for their gay "#1 Victory Royale"
Epic Gaymer at my school: Hey dude I just got a win in Fortnite last night!!
Me: Shut the fuck up with yo Epic Gaymer ass
by Bladeachu8679 January 10, 2019
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The video game that all the autistic kids from Alabama play because they have no life. Fortnite kids are the kids who try to get Fortnite on a school chromebook.
Friend: Yo do you want to get some wins in fortnite!?

Me: No, go get a life you autistic kid who eats crayons everyday for lunch.
by Very t h i c c boy November 4, 2019
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Fortnite is a EXTREMELY popular shooter battle royal video game. It is all people think and talk about.
by BandGeekMan04 October 1, 2018
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A thing that my freinds will not shut up. Like I think it's an addictive game to them. I don't even play fortnite so don't ask me about fortnite.
Alex: HEY! Did ya know that i got the zebra skin on Fortnite?
by CatMan3 February 26, 2021
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A shit fucking game for shit cunts
Person 1: hey man wanna play fortnite?
Person 2: no thanks I’m already a faggot
by Gilbert/Gibalert March 13, 2018
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Fortnite is a game created by Epic Games. It gained a lot of popularity in late 2017 and early 2018. People call Fortnite fans “virgins,” but that is not always the case. There is a lot of debate on which game is better: Fortnite or PUBG. However, it is important to respect the opinions of others, even if you disagree with it.
Samuel: Would you like to play some Fortnite later today?

Jamal: No thanks, I’m more of a PUBG person.

Samuel: That’s okay, I respect your opinion.
by ThatWeirdoJD March 26, 2018
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