Getting overly angry and/or aggravated over a small inconvenience because you're in a bad mood or stressed.
aka. being a sour "pickle"
Roommate 1: "Did you buy milk when you were out?"
Roommate 2: "Shit, no I forgot, sorry, I'll get some tomorrow."
Roommate 1: "Are you fucking kidding me, you're making me wait a whole DAY!?"
Roommate 2: "It's just a day bro... you doing okay?"
Roommate 1: "Yeah sorry, just pickle rage, been a long week ya know?"
Roommate 2: "Yeah I get it, don't worry about it."
Roommate 1: "Thanks man."
by TheSaucyUki April 19, 2021
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The rage felt upon receiving an online dating or dating app notification only to see that it was sent by a hideous ogre.
I felt acute after looking at who sent me that dating-site email.
by ShitDawg69 October 22, 2019
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Beef made with rage and anger in your heart.
"She made me so mad I ended up making rage beef for dinner."
by eethend June 15, 2022
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The name of 26realms' most popular fast food restaurants. It's top product being a version of the dish "rage beef."
"I'm going to grab some Rage Beef on the way home."
by eethend June 15, 2022
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A spoiled rich kid that thinks he deserves a rap name but doesn't. He thinks he can fight but couldn't even lay a real punch on Christian.
by Lil rage July 21, 2017
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When a lack of masturbation leads to a fit of intense rage.
After not yanking his noodle, Johnny has terrible dick rage.
by MerriamWebsta February 17, 2015
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When a person, usually a first timer, starts out on a motorcycle and the acceleration throws them backward and that movement forces them to pull the throttle open uncontrollably. Causing the motorcycle to accelerate out of control amplifying the problem. Usually resulting in a crash.
Grandma had a Raging Throttle, she let the clutch out too fast and flew across the yard out of control hitting the fence.
by Jetmec October 20, 2011
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