a very beautiful, cute, pretty little girl. AKA the most amazing, funny girl. Love to have argument. Have limited friend. Can be her friend is very lucky. Have many boys like her. Her boyfriend birthday is on October. Gonna get married soon.
Wong Chin Min is beautiful.
by amenricana November 22, 2021
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When two guys are in the car and jack each other off and get it on their chins. Homo unless stated otherwise
"Hey dude, when your gf is gone wanna jackie chin in my BMW?"

"Yeah dude, sounds good, no homo!"
by Al-Queso November 4, 2017
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Wearing a face covering in a totally ineffective way.
Look at that idiot. He can't even wear a facemask properly. He thinks it's a chin-bra to support one of his chins.
by burnee July 11, 2020
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When you are wearing your mask but pull it down below your jaw line.
"Man she's never going to get BOTH her chins in that Chin Bra".
by Burnee54 March 9, 2022
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It when you are so over weight that you have grown two large chins the size of babies.
Cody is so out of shape I feel like we need to have a baby shower for his fraternal chins.
by Nissanqueef January 4, 2020
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An insult for bad kissers.
Generic white girl: kissing generic white boy was so romantic!
Generic white friend: shut up, you're such a goddamn chin sucker.
by Llama66 October 16, 2019
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A Covidiot who wears a face mask over or beneath the chin, thus not covering the mouth or nose rendering it totally useless. Normally these are either people of low intelligence or those who have little regard for the welfare of others.
by eggshorsed September 8, 2020
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