A person who sniffs the penis of his/her significant other for fidelity verification.

**This is a "red flag" for lack of trust in a relationshp.

1. Maria tired of always asking Joe where he'd been every time he came home late. She became a "penis sniffer" to confirm her suspicions that Joe was cheating on her. (She also suspected that it Veronica from the accounting department, but first thing first.)
by nycapbarista February 28, 2009
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When one that is on the paleo diet takes the next step to be a true caveman - he quits internet porn and refrains from fapping. The Paleo Penis will then be born. The paleo penis is different from the normal no fap penis as it is wiser and more natural. This was the penis of our ancestors and those before them. The penis the way it was meant to be.
Paleo-Man - "I have all this energy from the extra testosterone I'm not wasting on fapping. Time for more gains."
Paleo Penis - "I'm up for anything."
by Jew Aladdin February 27, 2014
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After male ejaculation that gets into the pubic hair region which makes it sluggy and starts shaping the pubes
Lol look at the penis quiff on that , ur such a loser
by mitch00uk April 1, 2015
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When two men unite by joining their penises, head to head, to make a rod with one back. The foreskin of the dominant male (or space station) is wrapped over the end of the smaller knob belonging to the submissive male(or moon unit) to great a blind, but elongated penis shaft.
Son: Hey Dad, while I'm not really into penis docking it might help us to do some father and son bonding. Dad: That would would be lovely son. I haven't felt the touch of your knob for years.
by Lazzareth April 24, 2015
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Papa is smurfing her with his blue French horn

That blue hose looks like a smurf penis
by BlueLongDong April 16, 2014
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a way to insult someone to the lowest degree
Shut up you damn penis wrinkle
by Jesse Denning October 24, 2003
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Someone who continuosly draws penises on other peoples shit.
if your buddy has like a notebook or a paper or something, when he turns around, draw a quick penis on it. keep it small or draw it huge. dont limit your detail. if you have time, add pubes and veigns.

PS dont limit yourself to notebooks and paper. Piss people off by drawing dicks on their books, backpacks, desks, clothes, and even their own bodys.
by Spencer Mahan June 3, 2005
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