the fruity guy in class, hes always seen hugging another dude and stuff. hes also the class clown, he loves football or soccer idk. also he doesnt go to school sometimes, because he is homo. also is related to brian griffin
Jayden: hi brian, wanna hang out and be straight
brian: okayy
by rinrin the binbin March 27, 2023
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The meaning of the name
by November 22, 2021
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holy sh** how is that mutha***** so tall?
that giraffe is such a Brian
by Sejin's Mom August 17, 2018
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a white boy residing in fram, england. surprisingly used to be a huge FANNY MAGNET. brian is a rare species, but you will probably find him at
premier buying a packet of sovreign duals and a cheeky glens
thing 1: have you seen brian jessop?
thing 2: yeah he’s sat in the computer room bashing out his coursework.
by Youoyoyooyiy March 21, 2023
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the effect is being racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist or overall making edgy jokes in a conversation with someone
it is an effect that occurs when hanging out with brian a lot
Example 1
Black guy: “hey brian i ate a banana today”
Brian: “you know why”

Black guy: “why”
Brian: “cause your a monkey”
Example 2
Arab guy: “hey Brian how was your flight”
Brian: “great im glad you weren’t on it”
Arab guy: “why do you say that”
Brian: “cause you would’ve made some towers collapse
The Brian Effect makes people edgy
by biggieballs777 April 28, 2023
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Will goof, boof, and speak the truf. Perm Brian comes out when the party needs some energy and will call you out if you ain’t ratchet enough. Warning: may cause loss of sleep
Oh shit, Perm Brian coming out to play. Get them pinkies ready
by Labius Maximus November 23, 2021
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A open-hand clap, in which all the fingers are slapped together. When performed right, it can create destructive seismic waves and disturb all surrounding environments. However, to date, the only person who can perform such technique is Brian.
"Wow that performance was amazing, it really deserves a Brian clap."
"Too bad Brian isn't here! ):"
by quinspin6000 November 12, 2019
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