When something or somewhere is really really really cold. Almost as if you were in the North Pole
The classroom was north pole status, I needed 3 sweatshirts and a blanket.
by Tara Sugimoto August 3, 2013
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A person or comment who kills the mood you were trying to create with your status.
status: im so sad today. life just isnt fair.

status spammer's comment: WELL TOO BAD EMO CAUSE IM SOO HAPPYYY!!!
by omgyourabitch March 7, 2011
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A person who likes a perfectly likable status that causes others to not like it in return because of the person's personality.
-Man did you see that really good status with those awesome lyrics?

-Yeah it was really insightful and cool.
-You didn't like it though?
-Yeah true.
-Damn status killers taking away from my status' success!!
by André10000 November 8, 2011
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The status of being slightly popular, but disproportionate to the amount of episodes, books, or songs made. Typically used to refer to media. A reference to the hardy boys series.
-I think Chuck has reached Hardy Boys status.
-Yeah, I agree, it used to be good but now it's just ridiculous. They've kept it running for way too long.
by tvaiello January 11, 2011
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The time period in between being Flat Broke and Pay day where you have about $20 to your name.
Hey man I'm back from my trip wanna go out for a beer this Tuesday?- Friend 1
Nah, I'm broke status right now we get paid on Thursday though- Friend 2
by Sstav February 29, 2016
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for idiots that are trying to say status? or stats. or statistics. fucking EU teeth people.
NINI wanted to find out her streaming statu since it made her sad.
by YouBeLion October 9, 2020
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damnerpost status
I like damnerpost status.
by CDevIsTaken January 29, 2021
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