an inhumane experiment where the governments tries to throw as many people as possible together in the same building and fuck with them without getting sued for it
dude, why didnt they cancel school? its snowing!

school is a canspiracy, man. whenever someone figures out whats going on, BAM! they have "problems" and need to see the "counselor"
by anonymous January 11, 2005
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A school is a hellhole that forces children and teenagers to close their minds and learn only what the government wants them to learn. A place where they deny children of hats, sunglasses or in extreme cases, chewing gum, and make them sit down for over 5 hours straight.
Since there's a bunch of different kids in a school, they generally piss each other off, and create groups that make fun of each other.
A school will tell you this: Include everyone! Don't include people who are bad! ...?
Schools have rules banning certain words... even though they're just words and don't even offend anybody.
Don't agree with the school? Go to a school councellor... good luck with that.

Kid and school councellor:
Councellor: You beat up another kid. Why?
8-year-old: Cause if I didn't he would have beat me up.
Councellor: That is not a good reason.
8-year-old: So you're saying we should all let ourselves get beat up?
Councellor: ...(hesitates)... um, I've seen this situation about 1000 times before, but I've never been able to solve it, I just do this cause of the money the government pays me.

by vampire ghost October 7, 2006
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a place that no kid in their right mind likes to go.

a hangout place where you can sleep and hang with friends all day

a place that your parents say is "essential to attend"
Dude school is so fucking pointless I mean when are we ever gonna need to know what year the civil war started?
by fuck the preps April 24, 2005
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A place where you go to until you are an adult where you get taught how to solve the opposite angles of triangles and the humour in Shakespeare, but nothing about how to pay a bill, write a cheque, find a flat.

(To all saying that school is necessary for a decent life, I challenge that having a brain is required for a decent life. I'm a college dropout yet I'm doing well enough at the moment working for a decent company in a job that's a laugh riot compared to the dejection, bullying and harassment suffered in education from the age of 5.)
"Don't they teach you anything in school these days?"
- "Er, not really, we learn how to ace standardised tests"
by Archie2K January 11, 2004
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1.The reason most people who are teens comit suicide. See suicide

2. A place where the goverment stuffs Young brains with useless shit so they can compete with Japan on whos the smartest; So they can take credit and forget about the students happiness.
Teacher:Today in school, we will stuff youre mind with shit you will never use in you're life.
by Elia________ October 19, 2006
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