a roblox story where the protagonist roasts everyone
Guy1:hey have you seen this video "roblox story but the main character has a brain"?
Guy2:nah,i'm too lazy playing minecraft
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A glaive main is a person who actually sucks alot of dicks and has a fetish of sticking things up their urethra.

They like to spend 30 hours in their private server tryharding on Officer Bob, but when they fight another player, it's always the glaive main losing.

They brag about their little victory but in reality, it's just 85% of their fucking shitty range.
I am a glaive main, because dicks are extremely tasty!
by the29393 October 31, 2021
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A person with a refined taste in women and someone who possesses extreme skill and talent, they often tend to choose the battle academia kata skin or battle queen kata skin cuz they the best, and they tend to stay calm during games. Without relying on their jg, they usually struggle in mid lane because almost everyone in the game counters them but they still manage to play well and end up receiving no credit even though they get dragged down by their team.
goddamn did u just see that play, i'm such a kata main
by KATAxRIVENxORIxLUX December 9, 2020
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A person, most likely calle Rowan, who only plays merci in the game "Overwatch".
A: Wow look at that player´s career profile
B: I know he´s such a merci main
by AsparagusAA January 30, 2018
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when someone’s being annoying you say “wanna get ur main bitch taken?”
bro 1: man fuck you

bro 2: you wanna get ur main bitch taken?
bro 1: *silent*
by yupcup July 17, 2022
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From critical strike, this phrase is used to refer to the class "stalker", which is considered very annoying by the community. By using this, you emphasize that someone is a "professional loser", thus, their opinions will not matter, nor will their words.
Dont care, didnt ask, plus, you are a stalker main
by Frosted Fool December 31, 2020
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