When some one is tweaking for so long and hard they start miming. (impersonating a mime).
Armageddon: I've been up three days straight up tweakin' like a mime.
Me: You jerk tweaker ass mime.
Tweaker mime: (stands pretending to be in a box).
by tweaker ass mime September 16, 2009
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A girl who is sexually attracted to, and enjoys making out with, nerds. Geek tweakers are generally pretty geeky themselves. (the play legend of zelda, love harry potter, etc;) But they are generally very attractive, despite this odd fetish.
Brohammad Ali: Hey, Man, Who's that girl who plays Legend of Zelda and always always talks about Harry Potter?

Brohatma Ghandi: You mean Bianca?

Brohammad Ali: Yeah! That's her name, man she's hot, I'd like to tap that.

Brohatma Ghandi: Give it it, dude, she's a total geek tweaker.

Brohammad Ali: Goddamn those geek tweakers!
by snifferdoo April 29, 2010
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"Someone who smokes crystal meth and becomes gay"
"Damn i heard when Steve smokes meth he becomes a tweaker fag and sucks off men"
by Akim June 13, 2007
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A person who takes existing fonts and adds little dealios, and embellishments all the while tweaking to rave music.
The Leiah chick is a total font tweaker! Look at her tweaking out those fonts!
by Sunny Flower October 24, 2011
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an individual, normally on meth or coke, who insist that there are policemen, ninjas, wizards, or some other type of threat outside the window of their home, resulting in a constant peep through the curtains or blinds of their windown with the best view of the street and drive.
Across the street, I notice that there is an apartment inhabited with peeper tweakers, because i constantly see creepy tweakers peeping through the blinds.
by observantweaker June 18, 2010
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(Noun) A person in the movoe entertainment business whose job it is to make women's nipples erect for movie scenes. When a woman does not want ice touching her and she doesn't want to do it herself. Usually uses methods of stroking, sucking, licking, teasing, etc.
Did you hear about Tyler, he got a job working as a nipple tweaker in the movie with Jennifer Aniston. Man, I so want to be him.
by Big_Dave March 18, 2006
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A tweaker stalker one who hunts other tweakers to tweak with or who might troll highly populated tweaker ares.
by Chingador October 4, 2021
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