When you shit so hard you leave stains on the bottom of the toilet
I went to the bathroom after David and he left splatter monkeys everywhere.
by Ccastle April 4, 2017
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When your dog has diarrhea and it sounds exactly like Joe biden speaking
My dog has had biden splatter so long that people are lining up outside my house for a handout
by I need likes March 12, 2022
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The Steinberg Splatter
When, in an alley, tent or abandoned structure, a feral human’s colonic orifice relaxes releasing a spattering of used food, probably obtained from a dumpster, onto the sleeping body of another feral human.
Whoever steinberg splattered that dude must have found some chipotle in the dumpster cause that shit has some corn in it.
by Feral fecal photos August 30, 2023
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The act of watching the Night King death scene whilst masturbating.
*watches last scene of season 8 episode 3 of Game of Thrones*
Guys I'm gonna need about 20 minutes alone to rewatch that and get in a quick clatter-splatter.
by SkwareChicken April 29, 2019
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1: An unsavory women who can easily be spotted by her tramp stamp, two-tone dye job, and smeared mascara at the club. Often wears mismatched animal print clothing

2: The main tool of the first definition. An overused, manhandled vagina that drapes around the edges of her panties.
Ex 1: I can't believe Brittany showed up so wasted. She tried to fuck every guy here. She's such a splatter Snatch.

Ex 2. I took Brittany home and when she got naked, I couldn't believe the dilapidated condition of her vagina. Total splatter Snatch
by Smashleigh0713 May 2, 2018
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A Fanny Fart with Freshly Ejaculated Sperm mixed with it.
Normally after getting it from behind and pulling up her knickers before she wipes.
After Doris was Skuttled bareback by the boss in his office - she blew a big Fanny Splatter and messed up her Thong.
by leesumm1 November 4, 2010
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The act of shitting ones self after a series of solid shits, then you accidentally release diarrhea out of your bunghole and it splatters in your underwear.
I had a Scatter Splatter Incident after a long night of partying.
by ZOMBIEOVERLORD May 11, 2014
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