A person wich a maze another person.
Yesterday I went to the teather and then got me chocked.
by robert rosales February 11, 2017
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When bae blocks you on Snapchat, your snaps appear as pending...
Yo, I sent you a snap but you got me on pending...sup with dat?
by Fffffrrrrrdddyyyy March 19, 2018
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Subtle way of saying you have a hickie or multiple
The vacuum got me. What? My girlfriend gave me a bunch of hickies.
by socialstupidity November 14, 2014
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Taken from @supremedreams_1 (all credit given) it is used in a situation where you are being forced to go to or visit an undesirable place and literally have nothing else to say
Nurideen: bro let's go gets some mcnuggets
Bazi: no dude McDonald's is disgusting
Nurideen: bro I took you to dubai we have to go
Bazi: got me goin in this haunted house rn
by nurfuckingtrap April 7, 2019
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When you pull up on a girl in a red Ryder wagon listening to what does the fox say. You will have such clout and be so sexy she will be wet as Niagara Falls. You should also flex your tiny pp.
by Sweatycheesyballsack September 24, 2020
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