When you are performing a skill, typically cheerleading skill but you are too soft and don't fully commit to skill.

When you're not fully committing to an athletic move and too puffy and soft with it.
*Skill fails due to lack of commitment:

Wow!! That was croissant, be sharper.

Don't be croissant, commit to the skill.
by Jj-palang September 14, 2023
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A very yummy and fluffy pastry, most likely french.
Aah! Stop! I could've dropped my croissant!😡
by TheIconicDarkLarrie September 24, 2020
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It means queer, because I misspelled croissant as queer once. So it means queer now.
'yo are u a croissant?'
'HELL YEAH im a croissant!'
by babykittens October 1, 2022
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What you look like with bad posture

Something that is bent
You look like a damn croissant, oui oui oui huh huh huh
by AxelaG January 2, 2022
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A nigga dick being twisted and contorted to the point where it looks like a croissant

Can also be used as an exclamation
Did you see Johnny? He’s in the hospital for nigga dick croissant
by bbbunz November 3, 2023
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Take it easy on those Rest In Peach Croissants, bruv. The croissants made in Cali are danker than what we get on the east coast.
by RIP Croissant June 8, 2018
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When someone has a curved dick and rearranges your insides with it.
"Damn, he didn't look like much but he dropped the croissant bomb last night and now I can't walk straight"
by Pastrypasties September 6, 2021
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