Starting anew, with a fresh approach. A clean slate begins with the action of 'wiping the slate clean'.
After a decade of philandering, I'm going to start my thirties with a clean slate.
by JimiBiz July 28, 2008
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Is a dump so smooth and dry that it doesn’t require a safety wipe.
“We’re out of toilet paper, thank god it was a clean pinch
by Alibaster Slim August 6, 2012
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The right sink in a two basin sink in your kitchen.
Sharon: "Jason, where do you not put the knife you used to make a peanut butter sandwich?"

Jason: "Where did I put it?"

Sharon: "YOU PUT IT IN THE CLEAN SINK! The right sink is the clean sink."

Jason: "Sorry I didnt know there was a clean sink."

Sharon: "Well now you know."
by herschell October 13, 2009
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1.The term African Americans use to describe taking showers. Often in these showers, African American males and females have sexual intercourse. Narcotics are commonly consumed as well in these showers.

2. A term used to say a female is clear of std's. "That bitch gucci clean, you fine bro"
"Hey nigga im feeling Gucci Clean, just hopped out the shower with my hoe."
by Lel bbbbbbb March 1, 2017
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Another form of saying "clean cut" or "clean-cut". It's actually is used to describe the style of something. In other words, a nice, neutral scheme of art, color, and look of something that is nice to the style. Since it is mistaken a lot by the form "clean cut", this can be used the same way, but instead, it is generally referred to how the style is lively, neutralistic as can be, vivid, and neat looking, instead of a nice, sharp, neat look.
I saw an image online that had quite a minimalistic, clean style look to it.
by Urban Dictionary /user February 17, 2020
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Rap music that has no explicit cuss words or graphic lyrics about sex, drugs, violence and various other taboo topics
Will Smith is known for his clean rap, and ironically he comes off as a better lyricist than most 2010s rappers.
by CelticEagle February 17, 2019
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Mr. Clean: A sexy bald man that i’d love to smell, with that shiny bald head he can attract everyone and everything in a 200 mile radius, not only that but Mr. Clean will make your house shine almost as much as his sexy bald head.
I would spend millions just to sniff him and you would too, he also makes great cleaning products.
My Friend: “Man, my house is so dirty.”
Me: “You should get some Mr. Clean (sexiest man ever) products, they help so much!”
by SussySexyMan June 30, 2021
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