Fight between two individuals, usually involving fisticuffs. Generally used in a threatening manner.
"Nic's my best mate, and if any of you disturb him we'll go outside and box on."
by best mate March 25, 2010
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really messed up, as in drunk or high.
Man, that joint has me boxed
by Beau LeBlanc June 2, 2005
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To be put in the pin, in the cell, jail cell.
Chris: Where's christian at?
Danny: Someone snitched him out and now he's locked up in the box
by ilickyousuck September 24, 2012
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Someone that’s rich
Me: Have you seen John’s new ride it’s hella lit

Hriend: I’m not surprised I heard he’s a boxed kid
by Thatfairgirl March 5, 2019
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box- here where i come from its used to describe female genitalia, snatch, puss, pussy, vagina,v,or whatever u wanna call it.
"she has a tight wet pink box"
by LINZ& JESS August 6, 2004
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Whilst having an argument with a person your opponent says the words "And no buts, or ifs", and you cannot show your point without saying these words, you have been but-boxed.

This either leads to pointless arguments or the ending of one, where the but-boxed person admits defeat.
"Tell me did you sleep with Sarah"
"Yeah but.."
"No ifs or buts"
"I just got but-boxed"
by denman95 January 31, 2009
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to fill a room, car, bathroom,etc with marijuana smoke
lets box your car
this shit is so boxed i cant see shit
by milk maker June 7, 2005
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