Someone wanting attention and constantly asking for it. Usually it's snowy.
"Guess what time it is? Attention time" - Snowy
"You're such an Attention Whore" - Battire
by snowyball April 21, 2021
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A person who is ready to do just about anything to get attention. Both pathetic and desperate.
"That guy on TV is going to dig out his kidney with his bare hands and then eat it. What an attentionwhore."

Basically Ernesto Trump in a nutshell.
Ernesto Trump is such a Attention Whore he looks like a cross between a MS13 gang member and a Potatoe.
by Wookieelover July 8, 2019
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A girl who claims to have been abused in search for someone to care for her and give her the time of day for once because she has no friends
"Wow J.S. is such an attention whore!!"
by phsycogirlxoxo March 2, 2017
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someone online (usually female) who does or says anything to gain attention. also talks to an insane amount of people at one time and will forget who they are talking to and what they are talking about regularly.
It took rima 10 minutes to answer me back because she is talking to 20 people that damn attention whore.
by souleater May 26, 2004
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Someone whe excessively craves attention and shows off or acts in an obnoxious, often annoying matter in order to gain attention.
Stop showing off, you're being such an attention whore.
by plokiju876 June 20, 2009
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that one girl in highschool who always trys to get the guys who have no interest in her, but still goes out of her way to make her obvious to him
'man, that kelsey chick is really an attention whore
by sue mi June 6, 2005
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