A big asshole
Enjoys bullying
Likes to set up people
"Did you hear about that kid who was such a wen qi?"
by #qwertyqwertyqwerty April 23, 2019
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A very nice a caring friend that has a big heart. She always helps others when in need. She is friendly and joyful, always happy to make new friends. She is also very smart and wise. She is always there when you need someone to talk to. Not only is she wise, but she is also very unique and special to everyone around her. She's very chill and fun to talk to.
Person 1: Wow is that Wen xiu? She so nice!

Person 2: Yeah I know right. She is literally the nicest person I know.
by justanotherperson:D January 10, 2022
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Someone that you should probably need to have once in your life. Wen Kai is a living , walking miracle that not everyone deserves to have. It's easy to be friends with him but bear in mind that being friends with him doesn't mean you're gonna get his trust that easily. Earning his trust is a very tough challenge as he doesn't really trust anybody else apart from the ones that he loves. He's secretive about everything that revolves around him. Talented, good sense of humor, good looking face and other qualities that makes him special. His insecurities about everything is the only weakness that he has. If you would like to have him as your life partner, the only way to win his heart is to make him feeling secure and loved.
We all like Wen Kai.
That person looks so handsome, he's like a Wen Kai.
by @alexandra November 23, 2021
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The phonetic spelling of how to pronounce the name “Jennivine”. Has Chinese origins and is mostly used as a nickname. Once the name catches on, everyone calls that person Jen Wen - even the teachers!
by We're Evil November 28, 2017
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A person that's is noob at all games
Kanina cibai yiu wens such a noob piece of shit
by LimKopi July 16, 2022
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A big black fu-fu-la broad with big feet (R=BIG; L=WEN)
who's BOOTY-LICIOUS; BOOBA-LICIOUS and BLIGA-LICIOUS=Black with the Wig/Weave.
Girl, you doin u BIG-WEN shit tonite. You so fu-fu-la seem like u UNDA the top, know what Im sayin, sista?
by Wyeth October 3, 2009
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