"CURRENT RESIDENT" or "OCCUPANT" means the individual who is at the moment the owner or renting that property.
Mailman! This isn't my letter. I don't know any current resident (or occupant).
Mailman: Are you living at this address?
Mailman: OK, this letter DOES belong to you. It's usually "junk mail". No need to return it, you can dispose of it however you'd like. But you ARE the CURRENT RESIDENT.

Current resident or occupant; person residing at the address.
by Mrs KIA January 5, 2022
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This is the home of which the love of your life lives. this term can be used when you say you are going to your partners house
Sorry I cant hangout today, im going to the brady barker residence.
by yourmomsuckedmykok612 April 22, 2022
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That stupid annoying crap that South Korean websites force users to enter when signing up for an account, whether it be for MMOs or other entertainment sites. This means consumption of those sites is strictly stuck in South Korea. The government forces this because they are very data sensitive and video game addiction is a major issue in the country.

This atrocity of humanity infamously encourages identity fraud where outsiders buy resident registration numbers in an attempt to get access to those sites. If you try doing so and you get caught, you can end up being fined $10,000 and sentenced to three years in prison.
Kyle: Hey, do you know any South Korean MMOs that don't require a resident registration number to play?
Chris: Well, most of Nexon's game's that are available worldwide don't.
by The Real Driller February 28, 2022
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The best hood you'll ever go to theres a WHOLE LOTTA GANG SHIT. Go there talking bout Logan Paul or Jake Paul YOU'LL GET SHOT ! In every corner theres a bitch getting fucked . The hood is named after a guy with a huge penis Lil J
Yo I went to lil j residence it was awesome !!!
by I wanna fuck Kylie Jenner October 12, 2018
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A late second term occupant of the White House that has caused nothing but chaos and consternation with his incompetency and abuse of power, and arrogantly ducks blame for the dire consequences of his corruption, much like water flowing off a duck's back.
"How much longer til this blame-duck resident is out of office?"
by bogotabro August 4, 2007
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The sequel to the 2001 Resident Evil movie. One of the Greatest movies, even better than the first R.E.
Hey have you seen that new Resident Evil Apocalypse yet?
by Team LX September 18, 2004
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All right, This is not only one of the best games ever, Resident Evil or otherwise, but it is the most overtalked about game in the entire world. The only games that have gotten this much attention are Guitar Hero, Metroid, and Diablo II.

RE:4 is different from its predecessors right off the bat, because it uses live action sequences in the GC version and FMV in the PS2 version(to save time and quality, but it takes a bit longer to load them.).

The game also uses an over the shoulder camera, though the original workings of it did have times where it had the old static camera. Though it really is great for aiming, its at an angle so aiming straight is actually a little left than it would be. There are also times where the camera can hurt you, which is why its a good idea to have a stereo-capable TV to know what around you

Also, the zombies are gone, and replaced with brainwashed, parasite infected cultists. These guys don't want to eat you, they just want you dead. They can use weapons too, so watch it.

A new aiming mechanic was added, thanks to the power of the systems. Now, you can aim for the leg and they'll trip, or aim for the head to stun/kill them.

Most of the game takes place at night, and there are some parts that can get to you at times, like the novistadors. These humans experimented on with the Las Plagas(the parasite, and spanish for the plague.) and turned into bugged freaks. BRRR!

People have bitched about which system its better on. Honestly, it all depends on which system you play it on first to like it. The GC has shorter loading times, a higher polygon count, but Leon S.K.'s hair is blond. BLOND! also, the game is on 2 disks, with one lvl on an ENTIRE DISK! however, the PS2 version has more goodies at the expense of a lower polygon count, one disk, longer load times, and a shallower pixel fog. But, you get stuff like a new mini-mission, starring Ada Wong, and a costume for ashley that makes her invicible and incarriable, making pro mode much easier.

And, if you beat both modes in the PS2, you get access to the mother of all weapons: the PRL-412. this nifty Laser can defeat ANY enemy within two hits gaurenteed! for bosses, you can just flash them and they die. though it is very big, it will become your best friend.

In short, either version is great, so just play it on whichever system you have. If you have both, your choice, if neither, buy one of the systems, or go to a friend who has one of the systems and play it. You will love it. and to all those that say anything else, YOU ARE A BIASED GAMER AND SHOULD BE HUNG AND QUARTERED FOR YOUR OFFENSE IN THE IMAGE OF THE GAMING COMMUNITY!
Seriously, stop talking about Resident Evil 4. Its two years old, for Christ's sake. It should already be out of style. It never revolutionized anything except the RE series. You don't see anyone still talking about Super Mario Bros. on a daily basis, do you?
by maniakkid25 March 30, 2007
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