An incredible girl Who is passionate about everything. She will care for you and make you luang so hard you won’t be able to breathe. She’s is funny and outgoing but she also is very sensitive and emotional but she will still fight for what’s right.
Guy: “have you seen Megan anywhere?”
Girl: “she’s either at a party, having a mental breakdown, or saving the world.”
Guy: “dang... she’s pretty incredible!”
by Miraculouslover November 3, 2019
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the hottest person in the history of the earth she is absolutely stunning mostly tend to be violent they are girls who have either massive trust issues and tiny tits or huge tits and no trust issues. If u meet a megan wife her asap she will be the most loyal person ever.
person 1: yo that girl over there has massive tits

person 2: she’s probably a megan

person 3: mate wife her asap she’ll be super loyal
by love ya_ June 21, 2022
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marvel enthusiast with the ultimate Lego collection which she will sacrifice herself for
Paul Dano stan
Likes Robert Downy Jr even though he is a butch lesbian
the bus doesn't drive Megan, Megan drives the bus.
by slyfox9789236 May 13, 2022
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A woman that eats your soul and bathes in the blood of virgins. Who would kill you just as fast as rape you if your hot. Always undressed you with her eyes and lets you know about it by her smile. Got kick out of hell from torching people too good (also stole a sandwich). And is now secretly trying to rule the whole world.

Person 2: OH NOOOOO WHY ME!?!
by EosSELENE January 3, 2012
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Awesome, cute, and absolutely hilarious. She is the most gorgeous girl you have ever seen. She is like a Disney princess, she is brave and adventurous. She loves donuts and going to hotels. She is the frickin' kindest person you will ever meet.
That girl over their, she is just ... I can't even explain it. I know, she is such a Megan.
by meganspring24 November 18, 2016
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She's the most popular girl at school at you know her. She's got all the boys wrapped around her little finger. She's so gorgeous and no one can deny it. She so talented she can sing so well and is amazing. Always has time for boys,she adores her boyfriend. And she's so fucking funny!! If you know a Megan she's probably your best friend
Friend1:I wanna be her so bad!
Friend2:She's so pretty and talented.
Boy1:Who is she?
Boy2(hottest guy in school): Her name is Megan and she's mine.
by Hshshussushs March 19, 2017
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Megan is a definition for a hot nerd.

Attributes of Megan:
-Big Booty
-Swooning Blue Eyes
-Unreal hourglass figure
-Blonde bombshell

Nerd factor:
-Watches anime
-Loves Hello Kitty
-Reads novels

Though this nerd might fool you she's secretly a siren that lures in men as pray. Watch out! Megan is on the prowel.
Megan is such a siren. She worked with five guys and four disappeared.
by Ayyyeeegurl;) June 13, 2017
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