Kate means pure and is the perfect name for a pure little girl sweet as can be.
by CookieSafira April 23, 2017
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The most wonderful, funniest, prettiest, amazing girl ever. Kate is beautiful on the inside and outside and always will stick by you. She is very talented and loves being active. She is a unicorn. you can always find her talking or laughing. She likes guys named Cooper. Any guy would be grateful to date Kate.
Kate: Woo! Lets go ride unicorns!
Andrea: Okay!
*Flies off to another dimension*

Kate + Cooper
by Katesbestfriend September 15, 2011
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A way to say "kinda late", in shorten terms.

(the k from kinda & the ate from late)
Hey, you were kate to the party last night.
by kittykat2012 January 24, 2009
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She may turn out to be the nicest person that you'll ever meet but shes not all there. Kate is a mentally challenged deranged "clingy" girl that will tell you how hard she has it in life, when she never thinks of anyone but herself. She may come out with stupid/random sayings that bear no relation to the conversation just to be a random when no one actually gives a shit. Whenever an event comes up and someone is against her, she truly thinks that SHE has done NOTHING wrong. Beware when in Kate's eye she will become super attracted to you to the point of wanting to date you, so ladies beware! Also when talking to a Kate do not tell her anything of your personal life cause Kate is a gossiper and will spread your tales to random people around in the world. To sum it up Kate is just a stupid that pretty much always f--ks up her friendships all over one person, guy or girl.
1) Stan: Hey did you guys see the Who play at last year's superbowl?
Stacey: Yeah that shit was awesome
John: I thought they sucked
Stacey: O.o
John: Wtf?

2) Kate meets a new friend who lives in New York and she is in California. Kate becomes so obsessed with her that she moves to New York and leaves all her old friends behind. In the end her friend from New York break ties with her and Kate is all alone.
by TheTrollUnderYourBed June 8, 2010
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Kate is so beutifull and caring! She is so smiley ALL THE TIME! (a little too much). She tries super hard to fit in and spends all her time and money doing so. Her true friends know her true personality, and know that's not who she truly is. She's still figuring out what she wants to do with her life, but she will do amazing things in the future! Consider yourself lucky to have a Kate in your life!
Kate: "I want the new Gucci belt!"
Real friends: "since when do you wear belts?"
Kate: "sense Hannah started wearing them! And shes popular so..."
Real friends thoughts : "ugh, she's such a try hard"4
by N/AAAA June 30, 2019
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Men want her and woman want to be her. Actually they want her too. Kate can slam beers, tequila shots and whisky at Specialty then run 10 miles without breaking a sweat, the last 2 running backwards. Barack Obama once left Michelle for her but she rejected him after reverse dunking on his lame ass in a game of 1:1. Don’t challenge Kate on your Apple Watch because she will bury you. Kate is amazing mom. Much better than Angelina Jolie. Kate is such a great driver she prefers to Tokyo drift into a tight spot. Kate designed the Gugenheim Museum. And it didn’t take her that long either. Kate Is gorgeous with long legs and great ass. She’s smartet than Neil Degrassi-Tyson and made him admit it. Kate is a total babe
Women: I can’t go out tonight, what if Kate Is there

Men: No women need to show up tonight except Kate
by Jamiejimmyfollobee November 4, 2020
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