Someone who is usually forced into working at a fast food restaurant to make ends meet while attending college. serving overweight/unhealthy morons with little to no respect for other human beings, all while maintaining a good attitude and polite demeanor. Harbors vast potential for becoming successful and productivity.
Wow its hard to believe that that burger flipper is going to be diagnosing me with diabetes in just a few short months.
by smartassmcgee March 23, 2015
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When during sex the penis inadvertenly flips, or flops... out of the vagina.
Wes was hitting it hard last night when he had a flipper flopper.
by Mindi October 6, 2004
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(Noun) A man who is currently dating an attractive female, but is cheating on her...with males.
Is Jennifer's boyfriend a pancake flipper?, he keeps giving me bedroom eyes.
by FlapJackKilla February 1, 2016
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A person who has the annoying tendency to flip their fork or spoon while still in their mouth after taking a bite of food
"Hey Rebecca, how was that new Thai restaurant on 37th?"

"I couldn't tell ya, Jake, I spent the whole time staring down the flatware flipper in the booth across from us."
by R Master Flex June 11, 2009
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When your foot is really tingly and twitchy and moves around alot
wow he is having a lot of floppy flippers tonight.
by Seaz2 December 16, 2008
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1) a statement, behavior or event that induces anger intense enough to table flip. This could be something extreme enough in of its own, or just the straw the broke the camel's back.

2) an individual characterized by a tendency to flip tables (literally or figuratively.)
1) When my ex with benefits hooked up with that fuckboy, that irked me. When she called to talk WHILE THEY WERE FUCKING, that was the table flipper!

2) Wait, boss isn't letting us go until 7PM? After all we've done? Ohhhhh, you can that tell to Paul if you want to see him flip a table.
by enkephalin07 November 28, 2015
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