An annoying inconsiderate person, usually a Harley rider that rides through town revving their engine excessively.
That fag ruined my nice quite day at the park.
by dananapatman November 5, 2009
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Someone really loud and obnoxious who frequently rides a Harley to piss others off.
Fag #1:VRROOM VROOOM hahaha now everyone thinks we're cool!

Spoiled kid: FAG!!

Fag #1: Who the F*ck did you just call a fag?

Fag #2: WE ARE NOT FAGS!! >_<
by Florii November 6, 2009
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A person with no consideration and/or making loud or excessant noise for public attention;Harly Davison/ Motorcycle riders
"I wish that fag would fix his muffler, I can't hear shit"
by dr.dipshitzalot November 8, 2009
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1. An extremely, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders.

2. A person who own or frequently rides a Harley.
Wow take a look at that fag. Jesus christ he's annoying.
by Miba November 8, 2009
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The word used to describe one who owns and is frequently seen riding a loud motorcycle to gather the attention of others and generally disturb the peace with the use of excessively loud bikes.
You and your friends are sitting there enjoying a hot day when suddenly all you can hear is the sound of loads of motorcycles revving their engines. That my friend is caused by fags.
by 1tomh1 November 6, 2009
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N.1. A extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders.
N.2 A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley
Every time I try to have a relaxing day a bunch of fags on their Harley motorcycles show up
by ibrahx November 5, 2009
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