Vanessa: Last night my boyfriend broke up with me so I did a dirty Emmy to him
by Maya mc April 25, 2020
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She's a fuxing bitch 😎👌
Friend:ugh, hi
Emily:bye bitch
Friend:*walks away* I wish I could be a Emmi bitch
by Emmi bitch June 25, 2019
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Held in the Month of September is the Emmys season, The highly Anticipated Television Awards where actors/actresses win awards based on their performances.
“I have high hopes for Elizabeth Olsen this Emmys Season”
by coldpillowmoment September 3, 2021
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The sexiest bitch in the skee. All the guys want her but they can't have her because she's better than any guy that tries to get with her.
Damn Emmy Sanchez is such a boss ass bitch!
by huiiii August 16, 2017
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When you have sex with anyone or anything that is in relation to goats. Such as furries and people with goatees.
I saw this guy with a goatee, so I totally pulled a dirty emmy.
by Ghostking15 March 31, 2020
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the loveliest, smartest and prettiest gal you'll ever meet (really), has cute freckles and mesmerizing blue eyes, has a super bubbly personality, is super ambitious in making a positive impact on the world (wowie) and also selfless because she often puts others first before hers and most importantly, she will always be there for you by sending sik af memes and tiktok videos when ur feeling down

but beware tho, once you get to know her real well, you'd find out she secretly has a crippling addiction to anime and kdramas to the point that it worryingly becomes her only coping mechanism to anything stress-related like trying to decide where to eat for dinner
1: so i met Emmy D at a party last week and we instantly clicked, gonna ask her out for dinner next Friday
2: be careful bro, i know from experience Emmy Ds may lead to some serious addiction to kdramas. It took me a while in rehab to detox from kdrama
by zoo_wee_MaMA January 6, 2021
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