If someone ask if you like trail mix they

are typically asking if you like nuts in your mouth.
D: Hey do you like trail mix?
M: I guess so yeah?
D: Ha lol
by May 14, 2022
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John: Joseph, I've been trying to do an ollie all day but it's too difficult for me!
Joseph: Come on, John! Do it like Six!
by ᵒᵏᵏᵏB) January 1, 2017
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People like forks a lot because its so cool!!!!11!1!!!!1111!
Why do people like forks so much? Forks are you when yes is you good when fork is yes good you ok when fork work yes okau when to
by eating a burger with no honey September 29, 2022
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Asked by your 10 year old cousin because he heard it at school
Cousin: Do you like dragons

Me" yes

Him Dragon deez nuts across your face

Me dies of stage 4 lung cancer and instantly wants to commit nine elevn 2.0
by Bruhddah 2 December 21, 2021
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A phrase mostly said by a good friend of mine that has a crush on someone who’s code name is “cloud
Why do I like cloud so much?
I don’t know
But their so nice…
by carranza6520 May 3, 2022
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