a fucking retarded autistic person who think misspelling words and saying the misspelled word is silent

Corrupte - the e is silent

Jake - no

Pulsix - no

Corrupte - the e is silent

Jake - no

Pulsix - no

by e@tingP4nis August 12, 2023
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Religious corruption is a form of extreme corruption that occurs when one religion starts working for the best interests of another more powerful religion. A defining characteristic of religious corruption is that those embracing it start maintaining secrets that are passed down from one generation to the next.
She says she's of religion A but her behavior is harmful of religion A and would actually make more sense if she was of religion B. Sounds like we have a case of religious corruption!
by NartDaFart May 11, 2023
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When you take a big dump, be political to a certain degree after doing it, but refrain from using some certain names.
Rico took a Corrupt Politician after eating something from Taco Bell.
by PhoenixGamer34 April 28, 2021
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- Doing unproductive work at office
- Wasting time when someone during paid time.
Tamas was doing time corruption by watching porn in office time.
by Tamas2 May 17, 2018
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The best tribe in all of the ark land. Their theme song is “Metal Metal Metal Yah Yah Yah”. Pull up 694 all day any day we the real deal.
“Damn Corruption Empire is fat
“Corruption Empire 1292 gen is a full of corruption
by Daddysteak February 7, 2021
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A gay person; specifically a gay male
Person 1: Dude, did you see that guy wearing a dress?
Person 2: Yea, he’s such a Corrupt Mechanic
by Asdflkjhjdgsk September 24, 2022
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