when eyebrows are so over-plucked with tweezers so they're shaped and look like commas
*looking at photos from middle school*
Oh shit my comma brows looked so bad
by whatebitch May 11, 2016
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A person who is writing(say a short story or an essay), but uses too many commas
Teacher: How many commas did you put in your short story?
Random Kid: 417.
Teacher: Don't be a comma whore!
by 11eryxin February 27, 2019
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This is your token friend. He is never wrong. He will never apologize, he will pick arguments with your and he’s a musclehead. The reason that he is the comma man is because he refers to himself as last name comma first name. F example, “nice to meet you I’m smith comma tim.” Total douchebag move...but he’s your friend so you deal with it.
Hey lunkhead. You are not as cool as you think. In fact, I’m your only friend. Stop doing the last name first. You just sound like an idiot. “The comma man?” Fuck
by Larry and Rex and Benny August 6, 2018
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A comma at the end of a comment, clause or even otherwise-perfect sentence that then receives no continuation.
My cousin used the terminal comma when she sent me this text message:

> Wow, grandma didn't invite you to the family get-together,

and then all my cousins and brother went to the movies.
by Sittias June 2, 2021
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while your girl is sleeping, blow your load on her face, and it slides down
She's to drunk to stay awake, jerk off, blow in her face and let it run down,the comma tose slide.
by brett fields July 12, 2006
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It has the same Basic meening as the saying: "You're dead to me!", only, when you say this to a person, there's a chance that you and that person can forgive & forget.
Girl 1: " Why did you take my Lip gloss?"
Girl 2 "It looks a million times better on me then on you! Why are you freaking out?"
Girl 1: " Uhhhhgg! You're in a comma to me!"
Girl 2: "Whatever."
by Ilovemypuggle#1 June 30, 2010
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Literally this , !
Hey, <———-The thing next to hey is a comma
by WiseMan222 November 24, 2021
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