John: Hey man what's a Muff Cabbage?
Tom: A what?
Guido: Yo man! it's a Jersey thing!
John and Tom:What's does it mean?
Guido: It's a jersey thing
John and Tom: -____-
by dyck-ryder October 15, 2010
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Muff cabbage has no real meaning behind it. It was created by South Park in order to make the "It's a Jersey Thing" episode more ridiculous.

This was originated in South Park's Season 14 Episode 9.
Yo, get ya dirty muff cabbage outta here ya garbage!
by Dood Dood October 15, 2010
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The muff is the vagina and the cabbage is the gunk that a nasty hoe gets rotting inside her vagina. Such as old semen, STI's, infections of sorts, inside the vagina.
Bitch, dont talk about my family!!! You got muff cabbage you nasty cracker, and your grandma is muff cabbage!!!
by CrackerHoe October 15, 2010
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