to bluff during a game of poker
"I don't know if I should call or fold; I'm pretty sure that guy is fondling Buddha."
by Russ_Da_Roo February 5, 2004
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eating a fat chicks ass out while she is sitting on your face
i performed a buddha banjo last night and i tore a chest muscle
by josh February 9, 2005
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closely related to the beer belly just the fact that it is on an asian man containing good luck; also is vastly superior to the six-pack
Please rub the Buddha Belly and all your dreams will come true.
by duder0103 June 24, 2005
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An adaptation of the shocker. Done with two fingers in the bum and one in the cunny. Derived from a picture of Buddha.
1. Holy shit! Buddha does the shocker!
2. I Buddha shockered that hoe!
3. Try the Buddha shocker, some chicks dig it.
by SHOCK-HER May 9, 2008
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New Zealand phrase referring to someone that enjoy partaking in the homogaybumsex or looks like they would enjoy such an activity.
Hey fruit buddhas, it's time for X-Stream cameraman Wally Symons
by The_Truth February 6, 2004
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A pregnant woman's pouch. When her belly gets in the way.
John: "Damn, did you see her Buddha belly?"

Mike: "Hell ya, she had to stay on her side in bed because it kept kicking me!"
by Husband of a Buddha belly September 2, 2008
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Buddha Baga means to obtain additional strength through a mask while playing Crash Bandicoot.
I was getting low on energy, so I decided to jump at a mask and "buddha baga."
by Rob R. December 8, 2006
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