A statement made my lazy South Park character Officer Barbrady. He says this every time there is a crime scene due to the fact that he is a lazy fat ass.
Stan: Holy shit dude, what just happened?

Officer Barbrady: Move along, nothing to see here

Mr. Garrison: Every time there is something in this town you just say 'move along, nothing to see here,' we want some god damn answers!
by mikexd911 August 16, 2010
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A humorous web-based mini-movie musical starring Neil Patrick Harris and others.

Neil Patrick Harris plays the role typically seen as the bad guy (an evil genius) and fights Nathan Fillion, as Captain Hammer (the usual good guy), over a mutual love interest (Felicia Day, as Penny).
I just watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog for the first time!
I'm buying the soundtrack.
by Haydoom December 21, 2008
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To have a great relationship with someone quickly.
" I was worried when my boyfriend and father met for the first time. However, they got along like a house on fire because they both like watching football and playing poker."

A: Do you like your new roommate?
B: Yeah! We get along like a house on fire! We both like the same things and we are both clean people!
by SamyTuca November 7, 2013
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Taking a normal dump when you don't have diarrhea or some other heinous problem. Just a normal relaxing dump.
by Jerry April 11, 2004
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A statement in order to convey that whomever has said this has absolutely no control of the situation. Also used in conjunction with Monkey Shit Fights, SNAFU, ATFU, FUBAR.

I don't know who the Dick driving this train is, but we are just the balls gettin' dragged the fuck along!
by JSP123 October 12, 2008
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An expression used in order to convey discontent of performance and eventual abandonment of one's significant other and/or hook up. When one horse in the stable isn't ridin right anymore, you gotta cut them off and free up that space for the newcomers, know what I'm sayin?

(Made popular by the Flash game Jake's Booty Call.)
Pimp1: What happened to that new slut you were talking about? You still diggin her?
Pimp2: Naw, dude. I'm over that shit. It's over. It's done. Run along little dun-dun.

(Ring. Ring. Riiiing.)
DumbSlut: Hello?
Pimp1: Hey girl, how you doin? I know you're trying to get together tonight, riiight?
DumbSlut: Excuse me? Do you know what time it is? I'm not just some slut you can fuck whenever you want.
Pimp1: Oh HELLLSS NO, I'm not trying to hear that shit. Run along little dun-dun. (Click.)
by Cardinale March 9, 2008
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